WVCOPA 2022 Logo Contained NO BG


.....to the West Virginia Chief's of Police Association Website.

Thank you for visiting. Please take a moment to explore our site and feel free to comment on what you find here. We welcome any suggestions that will help us improve the site's appearance or information.

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If you would like to make a donation to the West Virginia Chief's of Police Association, please click the "Donate" button below.

Login & Forum

Members can login and see the forum link on the top menu bar. All Logins have been removed and have been recreated based on your email address that was on file with the Association.  If you have not yet received your login information, please contact the association and ask for a new login by providing your email address.  Your new login will then be emailed to your address that you place on file.

Board Minutes

Board minutes are viewable only to logged in members. Once logged in you will see a link to the minutes in the members menu on the left side.

Who's Online

We have 39 guests and no members online

Something to Add?

Have an idea for the site, or maybe something you would like to see here? Simply use the Contact Us Form or email the Board with your idea. We are always looking for ways to improve the site and we need your help.

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