As a leader in Law Enforcement, YOU are one of the most valuable persons in the community. If you are a full-time Chief we extend an invitation to you to join the West Virginia Chief of Police Association. With your membership and support, we will continue our work with the State Legislature, the Office of the Governor, and our national Senators and Congress Representatives to improve conditions for Law Enforcement in West Virginia. Municipal Police Departments represent the vast majority of law enforcement in West Virginia and nationwide. As a member of the Chief's Association, you will be part of the largest contingent of law enforcement leaders. We are a powerful force that can bring about change. Please consider joining the WV Chief's Association. You may contact me with any questions. Click on the application link to print a membership application and contact me if you need a sponsor.
(304) 234-3708
Send application to:
c/o Eric Johnson
100 Airport Rd., Suite 175
Charleston, WV 25311
You must have Adobe Reader to view application. Free download by clicking here.